This lesson is in the early stages of development (Alpha version)


Teaching: 5 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • What is the CI specification?

  • Learn where to find more details about everything for the GitLab CI.

  • Understand the structure of the GitLab CI YAML file.


The GitLab CI configurations are specified using a YAML file called .gitlab-ci.yml. Here is an example:

image: atlas/analysisbase:latest

  - source /
  - mkdir build

    - cd build
    - cmake ../src
    - cmake --build .
    - source "${AnalysisBase_PLATFORM}/"

This is the simplest possible configuration that will work for most analysis codes using AnalysisBase on the latest release:

  1. Define one job build_analysis (the job names are arbitrary) with different commands to be executed.
  2. Before every job, the commands defined by before_script are executed.

The .gitlab-ci.yml file defines sets of jobs with constraints of how and when they should be run. The jobs are defined as top-level elements with a name (in our case build_analysis) and always have to contain the script keyword. Let’s explore this structure in more depth.

Overall Structure

Every single parameter we consider for all configurations are keys under jobs. The YAML is structured using job names. For example, we can define three jobs that run in parallel (more on parallel/serial later) with different sets of parameters.

  param1: null
  param2: null

  param1: null
  param3: null

  param2: null
  param4: null
  param5: null

Parallel or Serial Execution?

Note that by default, all jobs you define run in parallel. If you want them to run in serial, or a mix of parallel and serial, or as a directed acyclic graph, we’ll cover this in a later section.

What can you not use as job names? There are a few reserved keywords (because these are used as global parameters for configuration, in addition to being job-specific parameters):

Global parameters mean that you can set parameters at the top-level of the YAML file. What does that actually mean? Here’s another example:

image: atlas/analysisbase:21.2.62

stages: [build, test, deploy]

  script: make

  image: atlas/analysisbase:21.2.72
  script: make

where image and stages are global parameters being used. Note that job2:image overrides :image.

Job Parameters

What are some of the parameters that can be used in a job? Rather than copy/pasting from the reference (linked below in this session), we’ll go to the Configuration parameters section in the GitLab docs. The most important parameter, and the only one needed to define a job, is script

job one:
  script: make

job two:
    - pytest
    - coverage

Understanding the Reference

One will notice that the reference uses colons like image:name to refer to parameter names. This is represented in yaml like:

    name: atlas/analysisbase:21.2.62

where the colon refers to a child key.


The API for all GitLab CI/CD pipeline configurations is found at This contains all the different parameters you can assign to a job.

Further Reading

Key Points

  • You should bookmark the GitLab reference on CI/CD. You’ll visit that page often.

  • A job is defined by a name and a script, at minimum.

  • Other than job names, reserved keywords are the top-level parameters defined in a YAML file.