Exit (light) Codes
Being Assertive
You can do whatever you like in a test, as long as you return the right exit code
Pytest, and other test utilities, will propagate the exit codes correctly
Understanding Yet Another Markup Language
YAML is a plain-text format, similar to JSON, useful for configuration
YAML is a superset of JSON, so it contains additional features like comments and anchors, while still supporting JSON.
You should bookmark the GitLab reference on CI/CD. You’ll visit that page often.
A job is defined by a name and a script, at minimum.
Other than job names, reserved keywords are the top-level parameters defined in a YAML file.
Coffee break!
Hello CI World
Adding a .gitlab-ci.yml is the first step to salvation.
Pipelines are made of stages, stages are made of jobs.
CI Linters are especially useful to check syntax before pushing changes.
Handling Your Clones
Git cloning strategies are configured with global (or per-job) variables
GIT_STRATEGY=none is useful when you don’t need any information/files from the repository
Submodules can be cloned normally or recursively as needed
Adding CI to Your Existing Code
Setting up CI/CD shouldn’t be mind-numbing
All defined jobs run in parallel by default
Jobs can be allowed to fail without breaking your CI/CD
Coffee break!
Eins Zwei DRY
All the World's a Stage
Run Analysis in CI/CD
Making code that is both human-friendly and computer-friendly is not so obvious.
Configurability is the crux of reproducibility.
Sometimes code that we thought was working fine, could use some “freshening” up.
We’re way too naive.
Getting into the Spy Game
Service accounts provide an extra layer of security between the outside world and your account
Environment variables in GitLab CI/CD allow you to hide protected information from others who can see your code
Let's Actually Make A Test (For Real)
This kind of test is a regression test, as we’re testing assuming the code up to this point was correct.
This is not a unit test. Unit tests would be testing individual pieces of the atlas/athena code-base, or specific functionality you wrote into your algorithms.